The Model 3 doesn’t come with either wireless charging built in, or any of the suitable phone charging cable supplied. There are however several options.
Wireless charging
There are lots of options now, including buying a Tesla made one direct. They range in price from approximately £30 all the way up to £120.
The units all look very similar and replace the black rubber phone mat that is within the centre console. They simply use USB to power them, most (if not all) also come with a splitter to power both from one USB socket.
The biggest difference between the cheaper alternatives and the official Tesla unit is that the Tesla unit is curved at the top, to allow you to lift up the phone rest / charger without it catching on top of the lid that covers the area.
Fitting is very simple and this is how the TapTes unit looked in my car

Wired charging
Tesla sell iPhone and Android compatible cables directly from the UK store. These cables clip into place within the centre console, allowing a really sleek OEM look, the cables retail for £14.
Where to purchase
TapTes Tesla Model 3 wireless charger
Jeda Tesla Model 3 / Y charger
Amazon generic wireless charger
Tesla official wireless charger
Tesla phone charging cables (drop down to select which type of connection to use)